
«Mushi — рак»: реакция на True Sight 2


В серии показали общение игроков внутри команд, их подготовку к турнирам и то, как они справляются с поражениями. После просмотра пользователи обсуждали фильм в социальных сетях и создали несколько тем на reddit.com.

Watching the EG Tinder session made me indescribably happy.

Can they just make 'True Sight' a weekly reality show already???

Interesting episode

Своеобразным «героем» второго эпизода стал капитан  Fnatic Чай «Mushi» Ё Фун. Он агрессивно общался с товарищами по команде, что вызвало вопросы у многих зрителей. Мнение сообщества относительно него разделилось. Одни считают, что Mushi справедливо отчитывал своих игроков, другие же обвиняют его в создании нервозной атмосферы в коллективе.

Атмосфера внутри Fnatic во время квал была просто ужасна, я хз как под таким гнетом вообще можно было играть филиппинцам Raven и eyyou

A thread entitled "Mushi is cancer" on Reddit and has 94% upvotes. What the hell happened in True Sight...

Mushi is given so much shit. While his personality may not always be exemplary, there are still lots of players who want to play with him.

Done watching the second episode of True Sight, and I fail to see how Mushi is cancerous or toxic or whatever.

If he could explain things the same way @DotaDeMoN does, that would be better. The only thing I "disliked" is when he stopped communicating

As well as the high five with Demon. The end with him and Ohaiyo outside was good.

Mushi doesn't seem to take criticism too well. At least, that's the feeling I got from the documentary. If he can improve on that, excellent

It's well known that Mushi can be a difficult teammate to have at times. Think of how much he offers that ppl still wanna play with him tho.

Mushi was portrayed wrongly in the documentary and not this "cancerous" type of person. He's a great friend and player that I still respect

mushi's a boss and has done more for the SEA scene and it's development as well as it's competitiveness than any other player out there.

@DotaDeMoN I don't know how much is true of course but it looks like you really tried to salvage. Props pic.twitter.com/rW5WfYSVyV

Второй эпизод True Sight уже доступен обладателям Боевого Пропуска.

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